Chamonix hospital

Not amused..
I appreciate that when one visits another country you should make every effort to learn a little of the language, but unless you are fluent this would never be of assistance in an unusual situation such as serious illness & hospital visits..
So, here we are sat in the waiting room of the Mont Blanc hospital where so far we have been treated well but with no explanations as to what's happening, how long we will be here.. In the meantime Ripley (dog) is locked in the apartment back in les houches :( whilst I debate how long he can be left for, when I should go back to check on him & whether I should leave here..
The lead up to this scenario was being given a medical centre telephone number by reception, calling them to find they speak no English (fair enough), going back to reception to ask them to call to make an appointment for us, to be told no, they can not do this? No explanation as to why not?! Call the tourist office, get a number for another doctor, phone them, they are infact a dentist, call the tourist office back get another number, no English again. Call the tourist office back again.. Get told to go to Chamonix hospital emergency dept - arrive there, see most amazing, brilliant & thorough doctor, get charged €50 for the privilege (well worth it though), get given a long letter and sent to another emergency hospital 30mins away where I now sit patiently in the waiting room whilst J has numerous tests, 8 viles of blood, drips, x-ray, urine test.. Right now they are putting a very large needle into her spine to extract fluid to test (this is their second attempt as the 1st caused her to pass out).. But what is wrong I hear you asking.. The answer is currently at 21:33 having started the doctor escapade at 09:00 and having been up all night, we still have no idea.. The only thing I do know is this spinal fluid test has ruled out menigitis.. But until then we get to wait it out & enjoy the face masks!

And staring at the tariffs chart is pretty impressive (we have been here for hours) I wonder what it will cost??

. Will be interesting to see the final bill, thank goodness for EHIC and travel insurance!
On a positive note.. J's got a nice room for the night even if it is rather plain

- Posted whilst on the road

Location:Chamonix, France

1 comment:

  1. Hey beautiful ladies! What a worry, hope you're hanging in there. Sending you healing thoughts. Please let us know how things go x x
