Caught in a rip

Sitting at pea resturant having lunch overlooking the water, watching the locals surfing.. Jo chomping on her new favourite ceviche, whilst I have sashimi fresh from their morning catch... We spot 3 turtles swimming just below the terrace.. That's it, forget all our afternoon plans (it's just too humid to be walking anywhere) we decide to rent snorkels and go in to see the turtles up close.. By this time the inlet has cleared of people (we assume they have finished siesta) so we run across the boiling hot earth burning our feet more with every step, reaching the waters edge we put on our fins and mask and jump in.. Finning our way out into the big waves towards where we saw the turtles.. We pop our heads up to check our location when we realise the current is pulling us out towards the big surf and rocks

So we try to carry on swimming but we are being pulled further and further out, looking around and realising that there is no way we are going to make it and that we are caught in a rip we grab each others hands and fin with all our might trying to get back to our start point, no luck at all.. Whats next? This is the first time since meeting Jo I see actual fear on her face.. Which is a pretty big deal.. We decide that the best bet is to try to swim across the current towards the far side of the inlet, eventually reaching some rocks we physically pull ourselves along back towards a shallower area where we can get out.. Finally we make it, theres no laughter this time, just huge relief..
Trying not to be put off by these events we struggle along the boiling hot rocks to an area that has been created into a sea-pool slightly protected by rocks on all sides. Jo heads down first, sitting on the edge she starts putting on her fins when WOOSH a massive wave has broken over the top of the rocks and has dragged jo flying backwards into the vertical edge of the pool area.. She gets up laughing but only once she is out do we see her elbow pouring with blood and huge scratches all up her back :( we decide to try again from the opposite side and eventually succeed in getting in.. After all that it was marginally worth it, I saw a turtle and we both saw lots of fishes like rainbow wrasse, tangs, pipe fish and little silver fishes too..
- Posted whilst on the road
Location:Easter island

1 comment:

  1. Di Spurdens31/1/11

    Hi Candy...Hi just sat down with a cuppa to read your blog and nearly choked...hope things are going smoothly for at least!The gods are clearly looking out for you two! :-) Have fun,take care and wrap up I sound like your mother now!Looking forward to hearing about the Pole!!Elizabeth says she wants to go there when she's a big girl...what have you started?!
    PS I second what Martin said-tee hee!
