Repulsive flight from UK to LA

You know us, nothing is ever completely smooth running... The question is do you really want to hear about it? For the first time we were superbly organised in our preparations for our annual excitement, for some unknown reason we were put through our paces before our departure with a mixture of flat car batteries, family members locking themselves out of their homes and a late night trip to a&e for a massive ear infection the night before our flight, this time it was candis turn. If you recollect our honeymoon then you know what we are talking about...
Getting through the above and slightly jaded as a result we head to the airport with tons of time to spare as all flights to the states are under massive security scrutiny since that idiot set himself on fire. Arrive, check in, go through security, eat sushi, head to gate, join long queue, finally get to front to have our tickets checked to be informed that the inflight entertainment was broken, nothing they could do, suggest you buy a book to take on the flight! Yeah, cheers, thanks for that 11.5hrs of Reading?! Unlikely! I'm sure part of the point of flying is to fall into a gormless, numb, brain-dead world watching a movie marathon, so that when you land at your destination you can't for the life of you remember a single film title from the last 6 movies you have somehow managed to view without really realising it...sound familiar? Needless to say the flight was not the most stimulating, add to that the fact that poor Jo had a fat, hairy, cold filled, old fart sat next to her (no I'm not talking about me, the OTHER side!) he spent much of the flight, coughing, sneezing & hocking in her ear, the thrilling part was that whenever he sneezed a cloud of his dandraft enveloped jo's head & left her looking like someone had poured parmasan cheese over her jumper, utterley repulsive! Add to this the fact that there were a couple of jocks sat infront of us who were having a very enthusiastic conversation for much of the flight about power sports which involved them jumping around in their seats like baboons on speed, this wouldn't necessarily be a problem if jos knees weren't taking the full impact? The bonus of being tall in economy! Brilliant.
At the end of the day you will always put up with these things because you know you're going on holiday and it will all be worth while once you get there. In any other environment, you know for a fact that would absolutely NOT even consider it! We are in LA, it's sunny and 72 degrees, worth every minute of dandruff....

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